Dear Woza Soccer Community,
Like so many others, Woza Soccer has been severely impacted by the ripple effects of the current public health crisis. As a Seattle-based and travel-focused nonprofit, we have been hit on many fronts. Our spring Seattle events, including our annual Scholarship Fundraiser, are all postponed. Furthermore, with the extensive consultation of our Board of Directors, we have come to the agreement that it is unrealistic and irresponsible for us to run trips this summer. Families signed up for Summer 2020 received notification earlier this week and we have also reached out personally to all international partners and others central to our summer operations.
Our focus remains on offering these formative experiences at the heart of our mission. We are following a road map that allows us to feasibly continue to do that while acknowledging current responsibility to public health risk management and challenges with international travel. In addition to likely travel bans and logistical hurdles, the health and well-being of our groups and those they interact with - especially our international partners in under-resourced communities - is paramount to us.
Although our programming has temporarily paused and our year-round operations will need to scale back significantly, Woza’s work continues. We plan to focus on Summer 2021 and offering custom trips for clubs and teams as soon as we are able. We remain motivated and committed to Woza’s future. Our trips imbue players with empathy, showing them the world isn’t full of “others,” but rather different iterations of themselves. We broaden the perspectives of our participants, and inspire their paths forward. We support inspiring partners abroad, and their immense ability to impact their communities through sport continues to amaze us.
In a year when we will be 100% reliant on fundraising, we will need your continued support more than ever. If you are moved to do so you can donate here at any time:
We believe organizations like Woza — those focused on connection and travel — will be critical as we look for ways to emerge from this period of isolation and fear. Sports will bring communities back together and we cannot wait for all the high-fives!
Wishing you and your loved ones good health and steadiness during this uncertain time. We are always here to listen to your thoughts and answer any questions you may have.
Thank you for your continued support. We’re very thankful for our dedicated community!
Kate Silverman & Woza Soccer’s Board of Directors